Start your Speaking journey now – Soness Stevens

Soness works with emerging thought leaders who know that they, not should but need to get their message on a bigger stage both live and online.  Speaking on TED, keynotes, seminars, webinars or videos, you know you have to step up to lead the movement. Please enjoy the tips and insights Soness shares in this interview.… Continue reading Start your Speaking journey now – Soness Stevens

Promoting a country – 72 hours in Jordan a social media experiment

I have been impressed with the great presentation that @jessedee is publishing on Slideshare. I love his presentation on presentations Steal this presentation and 10 Ways to be a Marketing Genius Like Lady Gaga. He actually build a website on the presentations Now he has done a social media experiment: 72 Hours in Jordan… Continue reading Promoting a country – 72 hours in Jordan a social media experiment