
LinkedInLinkedIn is the largest online business network. It has more than 190 million members in the world and in the Netherlands over 3.5 million members.

If you are a coach, trainer or self employed and you work in a business to business (B2B) environment, LinkedIn should be important to you. Maybe you are a career coach and work with employees, or you are a business coach and work with small business owners. Or you are a management team coach and work with teams and CEO’s.

LinkedIn gives you a number of possibilities to show your expertise. You can share updates, comments on updates, comment on discussions in groups (join groups where your target audience is), ask and answer questions in the ‘Answers’ section.

Important LinkedIn tips

  • When your LinkedIn profile is 100% complete your reach in LinkedIn is better compared to incomplete profiles
  • Enter only your first name and last name in the Name field without additions. Profiles that include information like company name, email address or a phone number in the Name field will be removed by LinkedIn.
  • Use a good and clear photograph where we can see your face.
  • The headline – next to your photograph – explains what you can do for other people. This headline is also visible in the search engines.
  • In the website field – choose ‘Other’ not website. Than you have room to make a clear description of your URL.
  • Change the URL to your personal profile so you can remember is easily and use it more often i.e.

Then there are also the articles on LinkedIn on this website. The best articles are:

LinkedIn profile

A good book about LinkedIn by Neal Schaffer Maximizing LinkedIn for Sales and Social Media Marketing

Connect with me on LinkedIn – please send a personal invitation message explaining why you want to connect.

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