From visitors to clients and the 3 things you need to do

Working more and more on my English website and using the success factors from Dutch website I find interesting things. Success in client attraction is directly connected to sales.

Quantity vs Quality

Quality is an important factor in attracting the ideal client. You need to create content and products of high quality. That is a fact.

However the quantity factor can not be left out.

1,000 true fans should be enough to have a good business and earn EUR 50,000 – EUR 100,000 when you are able to sell your true fans EUR 50.00 – EUR 100.00 per year.

But how do you get 1,000 true fans? Lots of people need to see you, find you, read about you.

4 keys for successful client attraction:

  1. visitors,
  2. subscribers,
  3. fans and
  4. clients.

In that order.

1. Visitors

It all starts with attracting visitors to your content. There are several ways to attract visitors to your hub (website and blog combination).

Ads – you can use advertising to draw fans to your content
Search Engines – when you have good content and you use a good technical platform like WordPress, the search engines will pickup on your content. People are looking for the content that you supply in the search engines.
Social Networking Sites – people on sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube want to share their discoveries with their network. This is how people find you, new and people who have seen your content before.
Bookmarks – People bookmark great content for later to read, for inspiration. The bookmarks in the browser and bookmarking sites turn into visitors for your website.
Newsletter or RSS – when people want to stay updated to what you are doing they subscribe to your updates. You can supply these updates via newsletter and/or RSS. People will visit your Hub from your updates via email.


People that visit your website via any of the above ways come to your website, a visitor. When they are interested in your topic at this time they want to stay updated. They want you to keep them informed on this topic, for now.

A great way to do this is to let people subscribe to your newsletter. It is a great thing you can offer the visitors of your website.

They will stay updated and it will give you the opportunity to send time sensitive messages.


A small part of the people who follow you, read every thing that you publish. They spread your articles, share it with their fans. These fans love what you do, learn from you and pass the information on.


Clients, customers, true fans, these are the people who buy from you. They like what you do so much, they are willing to pay for even more information.

You need products when you want to make a living from your business. But it is also true that your true fans need products from you. They want the limited edition, the extended version, they want more.

Your are letting your true fans down when you are not offering this. They will be disappointed. I know now.

From visitors to clients

What you need to do

There are only 3 things you need to focus on:

  • Create great content,
  • listening and interacting with your audience, and
  • create great products that your ideal client wants to buy.


Great content will keep attracting new visitors. It makes new visitors, returning visitors. It makes visitors willing to share your content, bookmark it. It makes them want to subscribe to the updates. It will turn them into fans when you continue to deliver and surprise them.

Create great content and people will use it and add a link to your content in their articles. This will make you more visible in the search engines and rank you higher.

Great content gets shared in the social networking sites even by people who have never heard from you before.


The visitors of your website can only turn into fans when they get to know the real you. When they trust you. You do not have to meet in person to get to know each other.

People will learn a lot about you from your writing, videos, photos and audio. This is you sending. People will even learn more about you when they interact directly with you. You will build trust with them.

When you listen and reply to comments, replies, messages, people can turn from visitors and subscribers into fans and true fans.


Create products. With products you are able to support your true fans. It will make you a living.

Creating products looks sometimes more complicated than it really is.
Listen to your true fans. What are they looking for. Ask.
Then, create it.
Ship it.

Shipping is the hardest part here. You are looking for perfection. You may think the product is still not good enough for your true fans. There are plenty of other things to do.

However a product doesn’t count if it hasn’t been shipped. When a product is not on your website, in your shop with a price attached to it so people can buy ut, it doesn’t count. You need to complete this step.

How about you?

How do you feel about this model?
Do you see it working for you? Do you miss something?

By Erno Hannink

Sparring and accountability partner for entrepreneurs who create sustainable positive impact. Explores decision-making. Shares his insights on this in, articles, books (Dutch), podcast, newsletters, and tools. Has a life mission to reduce social and ecological inequality. Father of two children, husband of M., runs, referee for the national soccer league, and uses stoicism for calm. Lives in the Netherlands. Speaks Dutch, English, and German.