About once a month I receive a book (for free) via the Social Media Club to do a review for the Social Media Book Club. For May it is Bodnar and Cohen’s The B2B Social Media Book – Become a Marketing Superstar.
“This is the book I’ve been waiting for.”
says Ann Handley of MarketingProfs
To me it feels like the book I could have published. It covers the most important topics that companies, especially in B2B should think about when they want to attract leads with social media. The topics that I write and talk about too.
Kipp Bodnar
Kipp Bodnar is Inbound Marketing Strategist at HubSpot. Kipp leads a team of marketers that guide and execute HubSpot’s inbound marketing content strategy. This includes creating content for Blog.HubSpot.com, webinars, ebooks, social media and other channels to help educate marketers and generate leads.
You can find Kipp Bodnar on the Social Media B2B blog on Twitter @KippBodnar and LinkedIn.
Jeffrey L. Cohen
Jeffrey L. Cohen is a Social Strategist at Radian6. Jeff works with B2B and B2C enterprise companies to assess their social media strategy and adoption, and advises them on how social media marketing, communications and engagement can help them meet their business objectives.
You can find Jeffrey L. Cohen on the Social Media B2B blog on Twitter @jeffreylcohen and LinkedIn.
The website for the book is at http://b2bsocialmedia.com/
You can read the first chapter as a sample via this PDF
Interesting sections in the first two chapters of the book according to Kindle readers of the book
- Does your offer:
- Solve a problem for the prospect?
- Align with the product or service of the business?
- Provide unique information not easily found in other online resources?
- For a B2B company to have successful search engine marketing in 2012 and beyond, it must leverage social media.
- Prospects don’t want to hear about your products. They want solutions to their problems.
- Need for Generating Higher Revenue with Lower Marketing Budgets
- Maximizing content discovery can be done by producing awesome content and reducing fiction around sharing that content.
- Instead, it is one piece of a well-planned and executed inbound marketing strategy that is tightly aligned to business objectives.
- B2B companies are better suited for social media marketing than B2C companies.
- Reducing approvals and empowering marketing to ship online content is the single biggest lever you can pull to increase lead generation.
- plGenerating leads using social media starts with three core elements that are the linchpin for the entire online lead generation process: offers, calls to action (CTAs), and landing page.
- A lead is someone who raises his or her hand—a person who demonstrates interest in something that a business has to offer.
Social Media for B2B
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